In this post, we’re going use Haskell to solve the Bank OCR Kata.
If you’d like to follow along with the code you can clone the following repository:
git clone
To complete this kata, we must:
In Haskell, the dogma is that if it compiles, it works.
One of the ways we labor to achieve this is to:
Make illegal states unrepresentable. -Yaron Minsky
So, to start, we can see that this Kata gives us a clear specification of some of the types we will be working with.
We will follow the common practice of creating a Types
module so that we can hide the internal implementations and export only smart constructors.
To represent digits we will use a simple newtype
wrapper around Int
. This gives us strong type safety with no runtime overhead. We will simply display it as we would an Int
newtype Digit = Digit { unDigit :: Int } deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord)
instance Show Digit where
show = show . unDigit
Note: we do not export unDigit
The only way to create values of Digit
is to use the smart constructors we provide:
zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine :: Digit
zero = Digit 0
one = Digit 1
two = Digit 2
three = Digit 3
four = Digit 4
five = Digit 5
six = Digit 6
seven = Digit 7
eight = Digit 8
nine = Digit 9
We will use a similar technique for Account
newtype Account = Account { account :: [Digit] } deriving (Eq)
instance Show Account where
show = concatMap show . account
fromList :: [Digit] -> Maybe Account
fromList ds | length ds == 9 = Just $ Account ds
| otherwise = Nothing
We only export fromList
, so it is impossible to create an Account
that doesn’t have exactly 9 digits.
User Story 2 specifies a simple checksum calculation for account verification (implemented by the isValid
function). We will create a separate type for Verified
accounts and use the validation in our smart constructor.
newtype Verified = Verified { verified :: Account } deriving (Eq)
instance Show Verified where
show = show . verified
verify :: Account -> Maybe Verified
verify a | isValid a = Just $ Verified a
| otherwise = Nothing
isValid :: Account -> Bool
isValid (Account ds) =
(sum $ zipWith (*) [9,8..1] (map unDigit ds)) `mod` 11 == 0
Because we used {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
to derive an Enum
instance for Digit
, we can use our smart constructors in range notation. We’ll use the Maybe
monad to attempt to create a verified account.
We can test this out in our REPL:
λ> fromList [one..nine] >>= verify
Just 123456789
λ> fromList (replicate 9 one) >>= verify
Success! That does it for our Types
Let’s create a new Reader
module to do the heavy lifting.
We need a simple association list from a human readable 9-character String
to the Digit
it represents.
digitMap :: [(String, Digit)]
digitMap =
[ (" _ | ||_|", zero)
, (" | |", one)
, (" _ _||_ ", two)
, (" _ _| _|", three)
, (" |_| |", four)
, (" _ |_ _|", five)
, (" _ |_ |_|", six)
, (" _ | |", seven)
, (" _ |_||_|", eight)
, (" _ |_| _|", nine) ]
Reading a single digit will either fail, in which case we want to return alternatives “one character miss” away, or the digit we read. We can use Haskell’s Either
type for this.
type DigitR = Either [Digit] Digit
We’ll need the following functions for finding digits one character away:
near :: String -> [Digit]
near str = [ d | (s,d) <- digitMap, diffSum str s == 1]
diffSum :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
diffSum xs = length . filter not . zipWith (==) xs
Now we can write a simple function to read a digit from a digit string. If the lookup fails it will enumerate the 1-near neighbors and store them in the Left
constructor. Otherwise, it will simply return the Digit
on the Right
readDigit :: String -> DigitR
readDigit s = maybe (Left $ near s) Right $ lookup s digitMap
We can test out our implementation in our interpreter:
Reading the keys in the association list should all succeed.
λ> and [ (readDigit s) == (Right d) | (s,d) <- digitMap ]
A one character miss should return a non-empty list on the Left
λ> readDigit ((take 8 (fst (digitMap !! 3))) ++ " ")
Left [2,3]
To implement User Story 4, we need to be able to expand our search space when we encounter an illegible or invalid account string. We’ll use this type:
data Result = Success (Either ([DigitR], [Verified]) Verified)
| Miss [DigitR] [Verified]
to represent the end result. The Success
constructor represents the case where all digits were legible. The successful read is either valid (the Right
side) or invalid, in which case we store the reads and the list of verified accounts one character miss away. Note: to improve readability and add a bit more type safety, the [DigitR]
and [Verified]
fields could be collapsed into a new type called Candidates
So, assuming we have a list of digit strings (transforming the input data to achieve this will be covered at the end), we can run our read function to produce a [DigitR]
Instead of enumerating near digits every time, it is better to store their 1-near neighbors in a Map
. We’ll first enumerate the relationships using our digitMap
in GHCi:
λ> :m + Control.Arrow
λ> map (near *** id) digitMap
Then we can build our map.
kin :: Map Digit [Digit]
kin = M.fromList $
[ (zero, [zero, eight])
, (one, [one, seven])
, (two, [two])
, (three, [three, nine])
, (four, [four])
, (five, [five, six, nine])
, (six, [five, six, eight])
, (seven, [one, seven])
, (eight, [zero, six, eight, nine])
, (nine, [three, five, eight, nine])
Note: we include each key in the list of neighbors as well as it simplifies the search algorithm we will use.
To expand our search space and produce the list of valid candidates, we:
and Right
digits in our [DigitR]
them using the list monad.Maybe
to collect the Just Verified
accounts.expand :: [[Digit]] -> [Verified]
expand = catMaybes . map ((=<<) verify . fromList) . sequence
mapEither :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> [Either a b] -> [c]
mapEither f g = map (either f g)
collect :: [DigitR] -> [[Digit]]
collect = mapEither id pure
When we have an account string with no illegible digits, the candidate selection process is a bit different. In this case, we need to expand our space by replacing each digit (one at a time) with the list of alternatives from our kin
. To do so succinctly, we will use a few operators from the Lens
package that make working with Map
s much cleaner. The core of our solution is in the following run
run :: [DigitR] -> Result
run reads
| all isRight reads =
Success $ case accnt >>= verify of
Just v -> Right v
Nothing ->
Left (reads, concatMap expand $ map f [0..8])
| otherwise = Miss reads $ expand space
space = collect reads
ds = rights reads
accnt = fromList ds
f i = space & ix i .~ (fromJust $ kin ^.at (ds !! i))
We’ll write a few functions for rendering our values to strings according to the Kata’s specification.
instance Show Result where
show (Success (Right v)) = show v
show (Success (Left (rs, vs))) = showRes rs vs
show (Miss rs vs) = showRes rs vs
showRes :: [DigitR] -> [Verified] -> String
showRes rs [] = report rs ++ " ILL"
showRes _ [v] = show v
showRes rs vs = concat [report rs, " AMB ", show vs]
report :: [DigitR] -> String
report = mapEither (const '?') (head . show)
And now we can verify some of the sample inputs on our run
λ> run (map Right (replicate 9 one))
λ> run (map Right (replicate 9 seven))
λ> run (map Right (replicate 9 eight))
888888888 AMB [888886888,888888988,888888880]
Finally, we need to take the account string input and transform it into a list of digits strings.
To read account numbers we simply need to apply the necessary transformations to the input string to get a list of strings that we can map over to produce a list of reads.
So we start with an input String
function. String -> [String]
function to discard the last line of whitespace. [String] -> [String]
We further parition all the strings into 3-character triples. [String] -> [[String]]
To do so, we introduce the following function:
triples (a:b:c:xs) = [a,b,c] : triples xs
triples _ = []
Now, if we test out our steps so far in the interpreter, we get a list of lines, where the first line is a list of the top cell rows, and so on.
λ> map triples . init . lines $ ones
[[" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "],[" |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"],[" |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"," |"]]
We can see that to continue, we need a way to combine the first element of the first line’s list with the first element of the second line’s list, etc. Conveniently, Haskell already has a transpose function that performs exactly that operation. [[String]] -> [[String]]
λ> :m + Data.List
λ> transpose it
[[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"],[" "," |"," |"]]
All that remains is to collapse the 3 rows of 3 characters into one 9-character string using map concat
. [[String]] -> [String]
So, now we have a transformation that takes the input string and yields a list of digit strings that we can parse.
prepare :: String -> [String]
prepare = map concat . transpose . map triples . init . lines
triples (a:b:c:xs) = [a,b,c] : triples xs
triples _ = []
And we can use prepare
to create a readAccount
function, which together with the Result
type are our only exports.
readAccount :: String -> Result
readAccount = run . readDigits
readDigits :: String -> [DigitR]
readDigits = map readDigit . prepare
Now, we just tie everything together with a simple command line application. In our Main.hs file we have:
import Reader (readAccount, Result)
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= mapM_ (print . readAccount) . quads . lines
quads (a:b:c:d:xs) = unlines [a,b,c,d] : quads xs
quads _ = []
In a real application, I’d put this into a test suite, but that feels like going overboard in this case. Instead, I just downloaded the inputs from the Kata into a test/accounts.txt file, and ran the app over them to verify the results.
cat test/accounts.txt | cabal run
Preprocessing executable 'kata-bank-ocr' for kata-bank-ocr-
Running kata-bank-ocr...
888888888 AMB [888886888,888888988,888888880]
555555555 AMB [559555555,555655555]
666666666 AMB [686666666,666566666]
999999999 AMB [899999999,993999999,999959999]
490067715 AMB [490867715,490067115,490067719]
That’s all for now! I hope you enjoyed this post. Happy Hacking!